The siding on your home is more than decorative; it is your home’s defense against damage from outdoor elements and pests. Siding is one of the most visible parts of your home, so when it begins to wear out or becomes damaged, there will be tale-tale signs. Replacing old siding may seem like an overwhelming undertaking, but putting off siding replacement only risks more extensive and costly repairs down the road.

The sooner you notice that your siding needs to be replaced, the better. Here are six signs that your siding is compromised and should be replaced.

1) Missing Or Loose Siding


Siding that is missing or loose can no longer protect the underlying structure. When siding is loose, moisture and pests can get underneath, potentially leading to many issues and expensive repairs.

2) Cracked, Buckled, Warped, or Sagging Siding


Siding that is cracked, buckled, warped, or sagging diminishes your home’s curb appeal and puts it at risk of damage. You may be able to replace a few pieces of siding and correct the problem, but you should have it inspected to determine the best course of action. The last thing you want to happen is you replace a few pieces and then realize all of the siding is compromised.

3) Pest Damage


Pests such as woodpeckers,termites, and carpenter bees can wreak havoc on your home in a short amount of time. If you see signs of pest damage to your siding, you may consider replacing it with a material like fiber cement siding that is less appealing to critters.

4) Color Fading


Fading color doesn’t necessarily indicate that siding needs to be replaced, but it might be a good idea to consider your options. Faded siding is unsightly, meaning that the material is either faulty or nearing the end of its lifespan. Talk with your siding installation company about options for your home and devise a game plan.

5) Rot


Siding is exposed to weather, moisture, and natural debris daily. Over time, siding that remains damp will begin to rot or crumble, which reveals the structure. If you see signs of moisture like mold and fungi growth, or places around your home that stay damp, you should investigate further to determine the extent of the problem.

6) Bubbling Or Blistering Finish


Siding that has a bubbling or blistering finish should be replaced. If left unaddressed, the compromised siding will continue to fail and leave your home at risk of further damage. For a long-term solution, replace the siding with a more resilient material recommended for your style of home and its location.

Lifespan Of Most Siding


The length of time your current siding will last depends on its material, how it was installed, and its exposure to climate and elements. It is always better to address any issues you notice with your siding earlier rather than later to avoid potentially costly repairs down the road. If you have questions about your current siding or new siding products, consult your local siding installer about your options.